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$50,000 (or More) May Be Yours for the Asking

Investing is a unique business. After all, you wouldn’t think of buying any commercial item (like a car) without first negotiating for the lowest price. And few people would consider buying a product if they had no information about its price tag. Yet that is precisely what most investors do. They have no idea how...

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Don’t Sell During Volatility

As I observe in my book, “Think, Act, and Invest Like Warren Buffett,” one of the great anomalies in investing is that while investors idolize Warren Buffett, they tend to ignore his advice, especially when it comes to efforts to time the market. The following are just a few of his many “words of wisdom”...

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Is your financial advisor really putting you before profit?

How financial advisors are compensated doesn’t determine their character, but it does influence their behavior. As the debate over regulatory standards of conduct for financial advisors plays out in Washington, the issue for investors boils down to how their advisors are paid and how well the arrangement aligns the interests of the advisor with their...

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Steps to find a financial advisor

Tim Maurer, director of personal finance for Buckingham and The BAM Alliance, discusses the four key criteria consumers should use to select the most qualified financial advisor for… Read the rest of the article on CNBC.

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Use Life Hacks to Minimize Bad Decisions

A few years ago, a friend of mine who happens to be a really well-known journalist had a conversation with a really well-known academic. Because the conversation was private, I’m not mentioning names. But I did want to share one fascinating part of their discussion. They were talking about cognitive biases. A cognitive bias is...

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Contagion & Corporate Credit

Contrary to what most investors believe, empirical studies of corporate bond premia have found that only a small fraction of observed credit spreads can be explained by expected losses from defaults. For example, research has found that the contemporaneous return of the S&P 500 Index is highly significant when determining the changes in credit spreads...

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The Secret to Investing in Volatile Times

The financial media loves volatile markets. When the market drops, investors understandably become anxious. They have questions like: What is causing the decline? How low will the market fall? Should I sit on the sidelines until things “settle down”? Are there “defensive stocks” I should buy that will protect me during this period of uncertainty?...

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