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Don’t Buy Winners

For almost five decades, the literature on the investment performance of mutual funds has found that very few managers possess sufficient stock-picking or market-timing talent to allow them to consistently and reliably produce positive risk-adjusted performance after considering their fees. In other words, there’s little to no evidence of outperformance beyond the randomly expected. As...

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Don’t Buy Winners

For almost five decades, the literature on the investment performance of mutual funds has found that very few managers possess sufficient stock-picking or market-timing talent to allow them to consistently and reliably produce positive risk-adjusted performance after considering their fees. In other words, there’s little to no evidence of outperformance beyond the randomly expected. As...

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Volatility Threatens Discipline

This is my fourth article in a series devoted to helping investors stay disciplined in the face of market volatility—and even lengthy periods of underperformance by risky assets. The first was a December 2015 post dealing with what I call “investment depression.” The second was a January post designed to help investors deal with the...

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Reality Check For Investors

Possessing a well-thought-out asset allocation plan that takes into account your unique ability, willingness and need to take market risk is only the necessary condition for success in investing (unless you just happen to get very lucky). The sufficient condition is having the discipline to stay the course. That’s certainly not easy to do when...

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High Frequency Trading’s Impact

The effect of high-frequency trading (HFT) on market quality is important, and has generated strong interest among academics, investors and regulators alike. Graham Partington, Richard Philip and Amy Kwan—authors of an October 2015 paper, “Is High Frequency Trading Beneficial to Market Quality?”—examined how HFT has changed the dynamics of the market and whether traditional academic...

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No Shortcuts in Evaluating Your Investment Risk

Early in my career, I worked for a big brokerage firm. Back then, I made a habit of seeking out the veteran stockbrokers and quizzing them about their careers. One day, I had a pretty extensive conversation about risk with one of those grizzled Wall Street guys. I’ll never forget it. “Let’s assume you’re moving...

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