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Private Equity Adds Risk, Little Return

Larry Swedroe on how the risk of private equity doesn’t always equal higher returns. The term “private equity” is used to describe various types (e.g., buyout funds and venture capital funds) of privately placed (nonpublicly traded) investments. Even though buyout (BO) funds and venture capital (VC) funds have similar organizational and compensation structures, they are...

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Factor Human Capital Into Your Financial Plans

The value of your labor should be considered when making investments. When designing an investment plan and deciding on the appropriate asset allocation, you should make sure to consider your unique ability, willingness and need to take risk. The latter two considerations are fairly straightforward. The more “stomach acid” you can absorb during bear markets...

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What Is Enough? – with Dr. Kate Levinson

Answering the age-old question of “What is enough?” with Manisha Thakor and Kate Levinson in MoneyZen podcast. How do you answer that age-old question: What is enough? Manisha Thakor poses the question to Dr. Kate Levinson, a licensed therapist who has spent more than 20 years studying the interface of money and psychology. By clicking...

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Political Biases Can Impact Your Investing

Larry Swedroe reviews the evidence on how political biases can affect your investing. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light,...

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Moral Hazard In Hedge Fund Fees

Larry Swedroe on how a systematic approach can help mitigate the problem. The typical hedge fund fee structure includes a management fee, calculated as a fixed percentage of a fund’s net asset value, plus an incentive fee, calculated as a percentage of its trading profits. Some hedge funds use both hurdle rates and a high-water-mark...

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What Does It Mean to Be a Fiduciary to Your Employees?

Judi Pflaumer on the 5 steps for retirement plan sponsors to ensure their fiduciary responsibility. image courtesy of Flickr.com Being the fiduciary of a retirement plan for your employees is a huge responsibility. A desire to take care of loyal employees in retirement and the need to attract good candidates in the future are some...

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Financial Calm and Confidence

Manisha Thakor on the importance of building relationships in financial planning. The best financial relationships occur when your wealth advisor is interested not just in investing your money, but in investing in your life. Manisha Thakor on helping clients achieve financial clarity, calm and confidence through the process of true wealth management. By clicking on...

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Thrill-Seeking and Investment Strategy: Hedge Fund Managers Reflect Their Cars

Larry Swedroe on research linking thrill-seeking and investment strategy. Sensation-seeking is a personality trait that can be described as the seeking of varied, novel, complex and intense sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal and financial risks for the sake of such experiences. Does sensation-seeking affect the behavior of financial market...

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