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The Strange Allure of Higher Fees

Just about anything that comes with the “alternative” label is automatically enticing to plenty of people. Alternative rock spoke to so many music fans that it became more or less mainstream in the 1990s. On a smaller scale, consider the people you know living alternative lifestyles, like the cousin in the nudist colony or your...

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How NOT to Prepare for the Market Correction

Almost everyone believes a stock market correction is inevitable. The financial media whip up a daily frenzy of anxiety by offering conflicting views from “investment pros” on when this correction will occur. Here are some tips for dealing with the “market correction” issue. Don’t try to time the correction There is no academic evidence indicating...

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Avoid Being Conned By Mutual Fund Advertising

All performance-based advertising should be banned. Your telephone rings. The call is from an executive recruiter. She has some really good news. You are being offered a position as the fund manager for a large-cap mutual fund. Large-cap stocks are those of companies with a market capitalization value of more than $10 billion. The companies...

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Learning to Shun the Instagram Life

“We should just move to the country and live in a tent.” I mention this idea to my wife every time I’m confronted with one of the realities of living in Park City, Utah. It seems like almost everyone here is an athlete of some sort, and they take their sports seriously. From mountain biking...

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Hedge Funds Hurt By Volatility

Despite extremely poor returns, the growth of the hedge fund industry has been explosive. Assets under management grew from about $50 billion in 1990 to more than $2 trillion by 2007. Today that figure is at an estimated $3 trillion. It’s believed hedge funds account for almost a third of the average daily stock market...

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Even Stars Knock Hedge Funds

Investors tend to think of hedge fund managers as the superstars of the financial world. Collectively, it’s estimated they now manage somewhere in the neighborhood of $3 trillion. Unfortunately, their reputation hasn’t translated into the type of returns that live up to all the hype. As we’ve continued to demonstrate over the years, the hedge...

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Nails In The Hedge Fund Coffin

The combination of the S&P 500 Index losing about 1 percent per year during the decade from 2000-2009 and a rising tide of obligations caused a “perfect storm” for public workers’ pension funds across the country. These funds increasingly began turning to riskier alternative investments in private equity and hedge funds in an effort to...

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5 Investing Myths May Stop You From Retiring On Time

Investors are battered daily with an avalanche of financial information. Much of it is wrong. The securities industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars annually sponsoring all forms of financial media, a great portion of which is little more than an infomercial for its services. The consequence of so much sponsored media content masking as...

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