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The Guide to Happy Giving

Giving Tuesday might officially be behind us, but let’s face it—we’re just getting started. The giving season is underway, with the holidays and year-end bearing down on us. So how can we transform one of the more stressful, and sometimes guilt-ridden,...

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Jim Whiddon on UnRetirement

“What fuels widespread fears at this moment isn’t aging. It’s retirement….Never before have so many people had so much experience and the time and the capacity to do something significant with it.” So states Chris Farrell in his thought-provoking new...

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What are Municipal Bonds?

Q:What are municipal bonds? A:Municipal bonds are debt instruments issued by municipalities in any of the 50 states by the following entities: 1) territories, subdivisions, counties, cities, towns and villages of the state, 2) school districts, 3) agencies such as...

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The Risk of Reacting

By C.J. Baxter Many investors are feeling a little jittery these days, and rightfully so. We have had to deal with fears of Ebola, constant tension in the Middle East and a sluggish overseas economy. And that short list fails...

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What is a bond ladder?

Q: What is a bond ladder? A:A bond ladder is a portfolio of individual bonds that have different maturities. For example, a bond ladder could be constructed with equal numbers of bonds with maturities across 1–10 years, or it could...

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