What Fewer Stocks Means for Factor Premiums
Fewer stocks today may mean stock picking is dying, but will it doom factor premiums as well. Larry Swedroe, Director of Research, The BAM Alliance Jason Zweig, financial columnist for The Wall Street Journal, is one of the truly “good...
More Evidence on the Persistent Underperformance of Active Funds
Larry Swedroe looks at new data on active funds’ persistent underperformance. Larry Swedroe, Director of Research, The BAM Alliance Each year, Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) analyzes the returns from a large sample of U.S.-based mutual funds. And each year, the...
Take More Risk in Life And Less in Investing
How will you spend your tolerance for risk? Tim Maurer, Director of Personal Finance, The BAM Alliance “I just really wish I’d taken more risk in my investment portfolio,” said no one–ever–on their deathbed. That may seem like an odd...